the much-anticipated dialogue of the movie "Carry On Jatta" that comes to our mind when we see Jaswinder Bhalla aka Advocate Dhillon is "Adv. Dhillon ne kaala coat aiwe ni paaya". There were many social promotions also done when the movie was under production and shoot had not started for the movie. People were asked to complete the dialogue for "Adv. Dhillon ne kaala coat aiwe ni paaya". Adv. Dhillon ne kaala coat aiwe ni paaya". The best replies were supposed to be used in the movie. So, we don't know who has completed the dialogue or it's the writer of the movie who has made several answers for the dialogues as we have in the first installment of "Carry On Jatta". But, we have finally got the first complete dialogue for Adv Dhillon. the best reply by far is given by none other than Binnu Dhillon.
The idea for diagnosis of VL using peripheral blood buffy coat smears originated from studies in the early 1990s (12, 14, 15). These studies showed that the Leishmania parasite could be demonstrated by microscopy of peripheral blood smears of HIV-infected patients with visceral leishmaniasis. Leishmania amastigotes in peripheral blood specimens from Indian kala-azar patients were also demonstrated later, with a rate of 46% to 66% depending on the time of blood sampling (21). Leishmania-stained blood smears revealed 1.3% parasitemia among 450 healthy individuals in another study conducted by Sharma et al. in areas of Bihar, India, where VL is endemic (22). We also examined conventionally prepared buffy coat smears from 200 asymptomatic VL patients (defined as a person from a household or nearest to a household with a kala-azar patient[s] in the past who was positive by the rK39 test and clinically completely healthy) and found that none were positive by buffy coat smear microscopy (our unpublished data from an ongoing cohort study of asymptomatic VL patients in Trishal, Mymensingh, Bangladesh). The study by Sharma et al. and our unpublished data indicated that the buffy coat smear should be a good diagnostic method for active VL, since parasitemia among asymptomatic VL patients and healthy controls from areas of endemicity was very low (0% to 1.3%).
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He directed Pyar Ka Tarana in 1993, without casting himself in any role. His directorial movie Gangster (1995) had a controversial nude rape scene of an unknown actress, though the movie was released uncut. He received offers to star in lead role in outside of his home banners in films like Return of Jewel Thief and Aman Ke Farishtey but the former was not successful at the box office and the latter wasn't released in 1993 though the film was fully ready to be released.
They met a troop of long-haired, strong-scented Sansis withbaskets of lizards and other unclean food on their backs, their leandogs sniffing at their heels. These people kept their own side ofthe road', moving at a quick, furtive jog-trot, and all othercastes gave them ample room; for the Sansi is deep pollution. Behindthem, walking wide and stiffly across the strong shadows, the memoryof his leg-irons still on him, strode one newly released fromthe jail; his full stomach and shiny skin to prove that theGovernment fed its prisoners better than most honest men could feed themselves. Kim knew that walk well, and made broad jest of itas they passed. Then an Akali, a wild-eyed, wild-haired Sikhdevotee in the blue-checked clothes of his faith, withpolished-steel quoits glistening on the cone of his tall blue turban,stalked past, returning from a visit to one of the independent SikhStates, where he had been singing the ancient glories of the Khalsato College-trained princelings in top-boots and white-cordbreeches. Kim was careful not to irritate that man; for the Akali's temperis short and his arm quick. Here and there they met or wereovertaken by the gaily dressed crowds of whole villages turning out tosome local fair; the women, with their babes on their hips,walking behind the men, the older boys prancing on sticks ofsugar-cane, dragging rude brass models of locomotives such as they sell fora halfpenny, or flashing the sun into the eyes of their bettersfrom cheap toy mirrors. One could see at a glance what each hadbought; and if there were any doubt it needed only to watch thewives comparing, brown arm against brown arm, the newly purchaseddull glass bracelets that come from the North-West. Thesemerry-makers stepped slowly, calling one to the other and stopping tohaggle with sweetmeat-sellers, or to make a prayer before one ofthe wayside shrines - sometimes Hindu, sometimes Mussalman - whichthe low-caste of both creeds share with beautiful impartiality. Asolid line of blue, rising and falling like the back of a caterpillarin haste, would swing up through the quivering dust and trot pastto a chorus of quick cackling. That was a gang of changars - thewomen who have taken all the embankments of all the Northernrailways under their charge - a flat-footed, big-bosomed,strong-limbed, blue-petticoated clan of earth-carriers, hurrying north on newsof a job, and wasting no time by the road. They belong to thecaste whose men do not count, and they walked with squared elbows, swinging hips, and heads on high, as suits women who carryheavy weights. A little later a marriage procession would strike intothe Grand Trunk with music and shoutings, and a smell of marigoldand jasmine stronger even than the reek of the dust. One could seethe bride's litter, a blur of red and tinsel, staggering throughthe haze, while the bridegroom's bewreathed pony turned aside tosnatch a mouthful from a passing fodder-cart. Then Kim would jointhe Kentish-fire of good wishes and bad jokes, wishing the couplea hundred sons and no daughters, as the saying is. Still more interesting and more to be shouted over it was when astrolling juggler with some half-trained monkeys, or a panting, feeblebear, or a woman who tied goats' horns to her feet, and with thesedanced on a slack-rope, set the horses to shying and the women toshrill, long-drawn quavers of amazement.
They were a most mad ten days, but Kim enjoyed himself toomuch to reflect on their craziness. In the morning they played theJewel Game - sometimes with veritable stones, sometimes with pilesof swords and daggers, sometimes with photo-graphs of natives.Through the afternoons he and the Hindu boy would mount guard in theshop, sitting dumb behind a carpet-bale or a screen and watchingMr Lurgan's many and very curious visitors. There were smallRajahs, escorts coughing in the veranda, who came to buy curiosities -such as phonographs and mechanical toys. There were ladies in searchof necklaces, and men, it seemed to Kim - but his mind may havebeen vitiated by early training - in search of the ladies; nativesfrom independent and feudatory Courts whose ostensible business wasthe repair of broken necklaces - rivers of light poured out uponthe table - but whose true end seemed to be to raise money forangry Maharanees or young Rajahs. There were Babus to whom LurganSahib talked with austerity and authority, but at the end of each interview he gave them money in coined silver and currencynotes. There were occasional gatherings of long-coated theatricalnatives who discussed metaphysics in English and Bengali, to MrLurgan's great edification. He was always interested in religions. Atthe end of the day, Kim and the Hindu boy - whose name varied at Lurgan's pleasure - were expected to give a detailed account ofall that they had seen and heard - their view of each man'scharacter, as shown in his face, talk, and manner, and their notions ofhis real errand. After dinner, Lurgan Sahib's fancy turned more towhat might be called dressing-up, in which game he took a mostinforming interest. He could paint faces to a marvel; with a brush-dabhere and a line there changing them past recognition. The shop wasfull of all manner of dresses and turbans, and Kim was apparelled variously as a young Mohammedan of good family, an oilman, andonce - which was a joyous evening - as the son of an Oudh landholderin the fullest of full dress. Lurgan Sahib had a hawk's eye todetect the least flaw in the make-up; and lying on a worn teak-woodcouch, would explain by the half-hour together how such and such acaste talked, or walked, or coughed, or spat, or sneezed, and,since 'hows' matter little in this world, the 'why' of everything.The Hindu child played this game clumsily. That little mind, keen asan icicle where tally of jewels was concerned, could not temperitself to enter another's soul; but a demon in Kim woke up and sangwith joy as he put on the changing dresses, and changed speechand gesture therewith. 2ff7e9595c